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Strange Fits of Passion Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

The insane person, the sweetheart, and the artist, are of creative mind all conservative. ~William Shakespeare, Mid-Summer Night's Dream...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Womens Roles in America in the Early 1800s

Women's Roles in America in the Early 1800s In the early 19th century in America, women had different experiences of life depending on what groups they were part of. A dominant ideology at the beginning of the 1800s was called Republican Motherhood: middle and upper-class white women were expected to be the educators of the young to be good citizens of the new country.   The other dominant ideology about gender roles that was common in the first half of the 1800s in white upper and middle-class circles was that of separate spheres: women were to rule the domestic sphere (home and raising children) and men the public sphere (business, trade, government). This ideology would have, if followed consistently, meant that women were not part of the public sphere at all. But there were a variety of ways that women did take part in public life. Biblical injunctions against women speaking in public discouraged many from that role, but some women became public speakers anyway. The end of the first half of the 19th century was marked by several woman’s rights conventions: in  1848, then again in 1850.  The Declaration of Sentiments of 1848 describes clearly the limits placed on women in public life before that time. African American Women and Native American Women Women of African descent who were enslaved had no real public life. They were considered property and could be sold and raped with impunity by those who, under the law, owned them.  Few participated in public life, though some came to public view. Many were not even recorded with a name in the records of the enslavers. A few participated in the public sphere as preachers, teachers, and writers. Sally Hemings, enslaved by Thomas Jefferson and was almost certainly his wife’s half-sister, was the mother of children most scholars accept Jefferson fathered. Hemings came to public view as part of an attempt by a political enemy of Jefferson to create a public scandal. Jefferson and Hemings themselves never publicly acknowledged the relationship, and Hemings didn’t participate in public life other than having her identity used. Sojourner Truth, who was emancipated from slavery by New York’s law in 1827, was an itinerant preacher. At the very end of the first half of the 19th century, she became known as a circuit speaker and even spoke on women’s suffrage just after the first half of the century.  Harriet Tubman’s first trip freeing herself and others was in 1849. Some African American women became teachers. Schools were often segregated by sex as well as race. As one example, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was a teacher in the 1840s, and also published a book of poetry in 1845.  In other free black communities in northern states, other African American women were able to be teachers, writers, and active in their churches.  Maria Stewart, part of Boston’s free black community, became active as a lecturer in the 1830s, though she only gave two public lectures before she retired from that public role.  Sarah Mapps Douglass in Philadelphia not only taught but founded a Female Literary Society for other African American women, aimed at self-improvement. Native American women in some nations had major roles in making decisions of the community.  But because this didn’t fit the dominant white ideology that was guiding those who were writing history, most of these women are unnamed in history.  Sacagawea is known because she was a guide for a major exploratory project, her language skills needed for the success of the expedition. White Women Writers One area of public life assumed by a few women was the role of a writer. Sometimes (as with the Bronte sisters in England), they would write under male pseudonyms and sometimes under ambiguous pseudonyms.  Margaret Fuller not only wrote under her own name, but she also published a book on Women of the Nineteenth Century before her untimely death in 1850.  She had also hosted famous conversations among women to further their â€Å"self-culture.† Elizabeth Palmer Peabody ran a bookstore that was a favorite gathering place for the Transcendentalist circle.   Women’s Education In order to fulfill the aims of Republican Motherhood, some women gained access to more education so- at first- they could be better teachers of their sons, as future public citizens, and of their daughters, as future educators of another generation. So one public role for women was as teachers, including founding schools.  Catherine Beecher and Mary Lyon are among notable women educators. The first African American woman to graduate from college did so in 1850. Elizabeth Blackwell’s graduation in 1849 as the first woman physician in the United States shows the change that would end the first half and begin the second half of the century, with new opportunities gradually opening for women. Women Social Reformers Lucretia Mott, Sarah Grimkà ©, Angelina Grimkà ©, Lydia Maria Child, Mary Livermore, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and others became publicly active in the abolitionist movement. Their experience there, of being put in second place and sometimes denied the right to speak publicly or limited to speaking to women, helped lead some of these same women to work later for women’s emancipation from the â€Å"separate spheres† ideological role. Women at Work Betsy Ross may not have made the first United States flag, as legend credits her, but she was a professional flagmaker at the end of the 18th century. She continued her work through several marriages as a seamstress and businesswoman. Many other women worked in various jobs, sometimes alongside husbands or fathers, and sometimes, especially if widowed, on their own. The sewing machine was introduced into factories in the 1830s. Before that, most sewing was done by hand at home or in small businesses. With the introduction of machines for weaving and sewing fabric, young women, especially in farm families,  began to spend a few years before marriage working in the new industrial mills, including the Lowell Mill in Massachusetts. The Lowell Mill also channeled some young women into literary pursuits and saw what was probably the first women’s labor union in the United States. Setting New Standards Sarah Josepha Hale  had to go to work to support herself and her children when she was widowed. In 1828, she became the editor of a magazine that later evolved into Godeys Ladys Magazine, and was billed as  the first magazine edited by a woman for women ... either in the Old World or the New.  Ironically, perhaps, it was Godeys Ladys Magazine that promoted the ideal of women in the domestic sphere and helped establish a middle and upper-class standard for how women should carry out their home life. Conclusion Despite a general ideology that the public sphere should be exclusively male, some notable women did participate in public affairs.  While women were prohibited from some public jobs- such as being a lawyer- and were rarely accepted in many others, the women of the early 1800s had public roles. Some women worked (enslaved, as factory workers, at home and small businesses), some women wrote, and some were activists.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Requisitos y medidas foto visa EE.UU. y cómo subirla

Requisitos y medidas foto visa EE.UU. y cà ³mo subirla Las fotos para las visas no inmigrantes, visas de inmigrantes y para participar en el sorteo de la loterà ­a de visas de diversidad de EE.UU. deben cumplir requisitos sobre cà ³mo debe lucir en ellas el fotografiado y medidas. Adems, en los casos en los que es necesario subir la foto al formulario de solicitud del visado, la imagen debe cumplir con los parmetros de peso, dimensiones y formato. Antes de seguir con este artà ­culo cabe destacar que no todos los solicitantes de visa para Estados Unidos necesitan sacar una foto y subirla al formulario de solicitud de la misma o llevarla en formato papel al consulado el dà ­a de la entrevista. Y es que en los casos de solicitarla en un consulado con Centro de Apoyo como CAS o ACS como sucede, por ejemplo, al solicitar la visa de turista en Argentina, Mà ©xico o Repà ºblica Dominicana, las fotos se toman en dichos centros junto con otros datos biomà ©tricos como las huellas digitales. Por lo tanto, toda la informacià ³n de este artà ­culo solamente aplica en los casos en los que las fotos no deban ser tomadas en un Centro de Apoyo. En el mismo se explican los requisitos de foto y fotografiado, tamaà ±o, peso y formato de las fotos digitales, cà ³mo saber si cumplen con los parmetros, cà ³mo modificarlos si fuera necesario y cà ³mo subir con à ©xito la foto al formulario de solicitud de la visa. Finalmente, cules son las caracterà ­sticas de las fotos en papel. Requisitos de las fotos para las visas americanas Las imgenes deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos: en color, con fondo blanco o blanco roto (off-white). La persona fotografiada, que es la que solicita la visa, debe mirar de frente a la cmara y asegurarse de que la cabeza sale centrada en la fotografà ­a y completa, desde el pelo hasta la barbilla, que debe alcanzar unas medidas de entre una pulgada y 1 3/8 pulgadas (entre 25 y 35 mm). Ambos ojos deben salir abiertos y la altura de los ojos caer entre 1 1/8 y 1 3/8 pulgadas del fondo de la fotografà ­a ( entre 28 y 35 mm). Para asegurarse de que se cumplen las especificaciones es recomendable familiarizarse con ejemplos que cumplen estos requisitos. No puede vestirse ningà ºn tipo de uniforme, salvo el religioso como por ejemplo en el caso de sacerdotes y monjas. Tampoco se deben llevar gorros, sombreros, velos o cualquier otra prenda u objeto que dificulte la vista del pelo, salvo que su utilizacià ³n està © justificada por motivos religiosos. Si habitualmente se utilizan audà ­fonos no es necesario quitarlos para sacar la foto si se tiene la precaucià ³n de evitar que se produzcan reflejos en los cristales. Sin embargo, en la actualidad si se usa espejuelos o lentes es necesario quitarlos, salvo cuando no sea posible hacerlo por razones mà ©dicas. En ningà ºn caso la oficina consular aceptar como vlidas fotos de mala calidad o que son el producto de haber escaneado la foto de un I.D., como por ejemplo una licencia de manejar. Tampoco son vlidas aquà ©llas en las que la persona sale de cuerpo completo. Dà ³nde tomar las fotos para la visa americana Si se est en Estados Unidos, en cualquier negocio de fotografà ­a que saquen fotos para el pasaporte americano. Lo mismo puede decirse de otros paà ­ses. En este caso es imprescindible hablar con el fotà ³grafo y especificarle los requisitos de fondo blanco, tamaà ±o, mirada al frente, etc. Incluso, si reà ºnen los requisitos, es posible hacerlo con un telà ©fono mà ³vil o una webcam. En estos casos, asegurarse de cumplir todas las directrices mencionadas y que la foto tiene calidad suficiente. Si la foto debe subirse al formulario de solicitud de la visa y no est ya digitalizada puede escanearse con una resolucià ³n de 300 pixeles por pulgada (12 pixeles por milà ­metro). Se puede enviar por correo electrà ³nico para descargarla en la computadora en la que se va a realizar el trmite de solicitud de la visa. Medidas, peso y formato de las fotos digitales para la visa americana. En los casos en los que la foto debe subirse al formulario de solicitud de la visa aparece la expresià ³n Photo Upload en dicha planilla. En estos casos, la imagen debe tener las siguientes caracterà ­sticas Tener una dimensià ³n mà ­nima de 600 x 600 pixeles (ancho x largo)En color de 24 bits por pixelSà ³lo se admite el formato JPEG.Y el tamaà ±o del archivo ha de ser de 240 kb o menor. Si es necesario, puede comprimirse con una proporcià ³n de 20 a 1 o menor. Se puede verificar si la foto cumple con esos parmetros colocando el cursor sobre ella y clickando con el botà ³n derecho del ratà ³n. Se abre la ventana de propiedades y, en la etiqueta de General puede verificarse el tamaà ±o en KB. En la etiqueta de Detalle puede comprobarse el alto y ancho de la imagen. Si no cumpliese con los requisitos seà ±alados anteriormente, es posible cambiarlos utilizando un programa. Para hacerlo, si se tiene una computadora con el sistema operativo Windows colocar el cursor sobre la imagen, hacer click con el ratà ³n derecho y en Abrir con elegir Paint. Checar la Barra de Estatus y asà ­ es posible ver la informacià ³n de la foto en la parte inferior de la misma. A continuacià ³n, para ajustar la foto a los parmetros necesarios clickar en el icono de Seleccionar para cambiar el alto y ancho de la foto. Una vez que en la barra de estatus se obtienen los nà ºmeros que se buscan clickar en Guardar y elegir como formato JPEG y a continuacià ³n en Guardar como, dale un nombre y guardar. Si se tiene una computadora Mac puede utilizarse Paintbrush. En todos los casos pueden utilizarse otros programas informticos de manipulacià ³n de fotografà ­a. Cà ³mo subir la foto al formulario de solicitud de la visa Cuando se est llenando el formulario de solicitud de visa el momento para subir la foto es cuando se llega a Upload Image. Se debe clickar en ese botà ³n. A continuacià ³n aparecen las directrices ya mencionadas sobre peso, dimensiones y formato. Si alguno de los parmetros no es el exigido se va a obtener un mensaje de error y, si es el formato el equivocado, un mensaje de Only JPEG Images. La solucià ³n es modificar los parmetros como se explicà ³ en el apartado anterior. Una vez que se est seguro de que todo est correcto clickar a Browse y elegir la foto. Dar a OK y aparecer la foto. En ese momento se pueden ver dos botones: Upload Again y Confirm. Clickar en este à ºltimo y dar a OK y asà ­ se sube realmente la foto al formulario y ya se puede continuar con la aplicacià ³n. Fotos 5x5 para la visa americana En algunos consulados o para algunos tipos de visas el requisito es llevar una o dos fotos a la entrevista. En este caso deben cumplir con los requisitos de fondo blanco o blanco roto, no espejuelos, mirar de frente, etc. explicados con anterioridad. Adems, la foto debe: Estar impresa en papel de buena calidadTamaà ±o de 5x5, es decir, 5 cm de ancho por 5 cm de largo, o lo que es lo mismo: 2 pulgadas por 2 pulgadas (51 x 51 mm).Si se pide ms de una foto, todas deben ser idà ©nticas. Adems, si la foto se subià ³ digitalmente siguiendo los puntos que seà ±alaba el formulario de solicitud de la visa es prudente llevar una foto de estas caracterà ­sticas tambià ©n el dà ­a de la entrevista. Para re-asegurarse de que la foto est clara y no ha habido ningà ºn problema con el sistema. Puntos Clave: fotos para visa americana Las visas no inmigrante, las de inmigrante y la loterà ­a de visas de diversidad requieren una fotografà ­a o ms del solicitante. Dependiendo del tipo de visa y/o consulado, el solicitante puede tener que presentarse a un Centro de Atencià ³n donde le tomarn las huellas digitales y la foto antes de la entrevista en el consulado.Por el contrario, si debe subirla digitalmente al formulario de solicitud de la visa o presentarla en papel en el consulado, los requisitos son los siguientes:Requisitos de la foto: en color, fondo blanco o blanco roto. El fotografiado debe mirar a la cmara, con los ojos abiertos y sin gafas ni sombreros o gorras. La excepcià ³n son los velos religiosos, por ejemplo, los de las monjas.Parmetros digitales: formato JPGE, mximo 240kb y medidas de 600 pixeles de ancho por 600 pixeles de largo. Programas como Paint y Paintbrush permiten modificar los parmetros de las foto para ajustarlos a estos requisitos.Foto en papel: debe ser de buena calidad y tener un tam aà ±o de 5 cm de ancho por 5 cm de largo. Si deben presentarse dos fotos, ambas sern iguales.Dà ³nde sacar las fotos: pueden tomarse en cualquier fotà ³grafo que saque fotos para pasaporte, especificando las caracterà ­sticas que debe tener la foto. Posteriormente, si debe subirse digitalmente para subirla al formulario de solicitud de la visa, puede escanearse empleando una resolucià ³n de 300 pixeles por pulgada. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal de ningà ºn tipo.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Essay Interview Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interview - Essay Example Although my country also provides good educational opportunities, yet they cannot be compared to Canadian standard of education. I believe in high-end quality in education. I believe in seeking that kind of education and degree that is recognized worldwide. My own homeland also has many reputable universities that are recognized around the globe, but my dream was to seek education in Canada since I was a little child. I can find highly flexible learning opportunities in Canada. There is a wide variety of courses available there. Although I may sound like demeaning the education of my own homeland, but the truth is that I am a very patriotic person; yet, I cannot compromise on sensitive issues like education. I had to choose what was best for me, and therefore, I chose Canada. Among many other choices which I was considering about immigration for the purpose of education, I found Canada to be a country which provides protection to its citizens much more than any other country. We can call it a safe country. I feel comfortable in any part of the country without the threat of terrorism or violence. People are guaranteed protection even in bigger cities like Ottawa and Toronto. I do not feel as if I am being neglected because I am not in my own homeland. There is Canadian social help system which does not make me feel unaccompanied when I am facing difficulties settling down. There are a lot of government sponsored programs and courses that I can seek help from in my hard times. For example, if I lose my job, I shall be supported through a government funded program to back up my finances until I find a new job. Another important point that I considered was that Canada is one of the developed countries whose economical infrastructure is very strong. I can be sure to find a suitable paying job in this country. Most of the jobs are well

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ch (9) Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ch (9) Education - Assignment Example De Facto segregation is constitutional and comes as a result of some residential housing patterns being segregated from others. There is no de facto segregation of residences in San Antonio (Lesson 9). Title VI means that the law does not allow the use of national origin, race or color as a basis of discrimination or denial of benefits when it comes to federal programs. Title VII is a law created to eliminate discrimination of people at work based on their racial differences among others. It is a principle requirement or the 14th amendment in a constitution stating that if a citizen is not granted the life, liberty or property interests by the federal government, he or she has to get a notice and the chance to be heard (Lesson 9). The principle is more formal when it comes to the dismissal of teachers than in cases where the students get suspended. Exempt employees do not have FLSA protection, hence not entitled to get overtime payments (Walsh, Kemerer & Maniotis, 2010). Non-exempt employees have to get the minimum wage and payment for overtime if working 40 hours in a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Remember the Titans Review Essay Example for Free

Remember the Titans Review Essay The movie Remember the Titans is one of the most inspiring sports movies in recent memory.. This is due to the performances of Denzel Washington as well as others in the cast but   its success can also can be attributed to the fact that the story was based on real life events. As is the case with most movies, those that are based on fact, no matter how loosely, usually seem to add to the drama that mindless action movies which are big on special effects and small on acting and story. Remember the Titans is not one of those movies because the racial tensions that were associated with busing and school integration in the last 1960s’ and 1970’s was one of the divisive sources during that time. For a young, contemporary society, it may seem difficult to be able to successfully transplant oneself into that specific time and place and to wonder aloud, what the entire situation was all about. There were tensions that came from the mixing of the two teams, regardless of their color.   Many players at T.C. Williams were counting on a starting spot for the football team, only to have many of the positions challenged due to the integration of the school. Due to the fact that the school that is being meshed into T.C. Williams is a predominately African American school, with the setting of the story taking place in 1970 Virginia, only adds to the frustrations on the part of the athletes from both schools. This reality places a stress on the already fragile relationships that the white and black players as well as students have for each other. However, in the end, the story has a happy ending and the school not only successfully integrates, but has one of their most successful years on the football field.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the major sources of debate within Titans is the way in which Herman Boone receives the head coaching job at T.C. Williams.   The school has been integrated and the football team, a bastion of relief and excitement for the masses in Alexandria, Virginia. Within the movie, it is plainly seen that the majority of white students and their families are not in favor of the integration of the school. What is the source of even more resistance is the fact that Herman Boone, not because of his merit but simply because of his race, is being made head coach over the current coach, Bill Yoast who has had his share of awards given to him for his splendid coaching record in the past. The school board feels that this is the appropriate choice to make as they believe that it will help the town to ease into the idea. This is not ethically right or proper. There is not way of knowing exactly how well the team would have fared if the coaches were picked on their merit instead of on race, but it seems that as long as starting positions on the field were earned by the physical and mental merit of the players, so too should the coaches be made to honor the idea of creating a meritocracy as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is not acceptable and is seen as the central aspect of the movie, are the relationships between the players from both of the schools. At first, many of the players on both sides did not want to befriend their competition with regard to the specific starting position that they were hoping to earn but also their competition in society as well. It is the efforts of Julies and Bertier, the leaders of their respective former schools and therefore, is divided by racial lines, which help to make the transition from two separate teams into one a bit easier. The two characters are very forceful on the football field as it is required to remain successful but they are also equally as forceful with regard to the integration of their fellow teammates. Both are resistant to the experiment by once they get on board with the idea, the rest are sure to follow. This is the true sign of a leader but also of the team recognizing the fact that they need to come together as a team in order to win. Cohesiveness of a team is what every coach strives to achieve. The second source of calm and rational thinking in the face of a situation that many on the team might respond to with hatred and bigotry, comes from Coach Boone and Coach Yoast. Yoast will eventually see the bigger picture and swallow his own feelings of mistreatment and submit to the will of the school board and usually, to the will of coach Yoast. He had such a stellar coaching record because he knew how to win. The same can be said about Coach Boone as well. He does not like the situation in which he was picked to coach T.C. Williams but he resolves that this is not only good for his career in the long run, but for the cohesion of the entire community as the football team serves as the center of life in Alexandria, Virginia. In the special features, the real coaches are shown talking as old friends and there is nothing to suggest that is not the case in real life. But the relationship of the two coaches, as was the case with the players, was a contentious one. Race obviously played a central role in the actions of the T.C. Williams football team. People are a product of their environment and Alexandria, Virginia expressed loudly, their feelings about the forced integration of their school as well as the football players did the same. But Coach Boone and Yoast as well as the majority of football players on the team realized what it took to win.   All had enjoyed winning seasons before the integration of the school. Had the teams never enjoyed victory and never yearned for success within their daily lives, there might have been little hope for this experiment to have succeeded. Only those living there at that time can accurately describe what life was really like during those times but the ethical behavior of the majority of players as well as their recognition of what it takes to win in this life, eventually became the paramount reason as to why the team went on to have a successful season and racial strife within the team unity could only be seen as a speed bump if they wished to continue to win. WORKS CITED Bruckheimer, Jerry.   Remember the Titans. Buena Vista. 2000

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Trophy Husband :: essays research papers fc

The Trophy Husband Editha meets her fiancà © under rather boring and lackluster circumstances. She is seeking her knight in shining armor. She wants to experience the high of being in love. Upon meeting there was no magic or electricity in the air. Her fiancà ©, George Gearson was simply a male friend and in a moment that she could not take back, she had accepted his proposal of marriage. This woman, not satisfied with this relationship chooses to change it. Editha sets into motion a plan of action. This story by W.D. Howells illustrates the brainwashing techniques of an idealistic woman in her quest for the â€Å"trophy husband†. Throughout history men have lived and died for their religious beliefs. Wars have been and won and battles have been lost in the name of higher deities. Both men and women have taken up the sword in the name of a higher power. Specifically, in our country, the first English settlers sought to convert the heathen Indians and many Indians died in the process. From the Crusades to the recent tragedy in New York, strong and charismatic leaders have taken men and filled them with religious fervor. Editha attempts to convince George that recent events, a war has been declared, are part of God’s master plan. Editha assumes the role of the charismatic religious leader in her attempt to sway George. George has an antiwar mentality and Editha seeks to change this by bringing into question his loyalty to God. Editha continues to use her powers of persuasion. Editha tries to approach his manhood. She knows that a man will fight for what he believes in and if he will not fight for God then she is going to convince him to fight by appealing to his sense of patriotism. She tells George that the war has united the country. This war was being fought to free others from oppression just as this country once suffered from oppression at the hands of a faraway nation. She states that if a man loves his country then there is only one thing to do. It was his duty to fight for his country. Editha threatens George by bringing the status of their engagement into question. Before their discussion, Editha is very passionate towards George and she speaks to him in deep, throaty, sexy voice, â€Å"and uttered from deep in her throat, â€Å"How glorious!†Ã¢â‚¬Å" (258). George’s charm with Editha comes from her not being able to predict what he is thinking, but she is getting bored with his expected antiwar sentimentality.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Da Vinci Code Reaction paper

The movie intro led in a murder scene inside the Louvre museum and clues in Da Vinci paintings lead to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years which could shake the foundations of Christianity. The Novel itself received both positive and negative reviews from critics, and it has been the subject of negative appraisals concerning its portrayal of history. It’s writing and historical accuracy were reviewed negatively by â€Å"The New Yorker† When I first saw it in 2006 I was amazed how the movie made so much sense specially the scene where they talk about the secret of the Holy Grail.In the novel Leigh Teabing explains to Sophie Neveu that the figure at the right hand of Jesus in Leonardo da Vinci's painting of â€Å"The Last Supper† is not the apostle John, but actually Mary Magdalene. Leigh Teabing says that the absence of a chalice in Leonardo's painting means Leonardo knew that Mary Magdalene was the actual Holy Grail and the bearer of Jesus' blood. Leigh Teabing goes on to explain that this idea is supported by the shape of the letter â€Å"V† that is formed by the bodily positions of Jesus and Mary, as â€Å"V† is the symbol for the sacred feminine.The absence of the Apostle John in the painting is explained by knowing that John is also referred to as â€Å"the Disciple Jesus loved†, code for Mary Magdalene. The book also notes that the color scheme of their garments are inverted: Jesus wears a red tunic with royal blue cloak; Mary Magdalene wears the opposite. In my personal opinion as a believer of God, I think Dan Brown is a genius. The Da Vinci Code is one of the greatest stories ever told. The real draw for Brown’s novel is how his highly polemical basis†¦ that Christianity is not what it is purported to be, little more than an age-old instrument of oppression.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fascism in Germany and Italy Essay

Many similarities exist between German fascism, or Nazism, and Italian fascism. For example, both fascist movements were brought into power after facing very similar problems. One of the major problems that both countries encountered was a post-war economy teeming with instability. Germany’s fragile economy was undermined by widespread unemployment, hyperinflation, and burdensome reparation payments, while Italy’s economy was just as delicate. In addition, the Great Depression brought both countries even further into economic collapse. Another problem that brought about fascism in the two countries was post-war peace settlements, especially the Versailles Treaty. While the Germans were exasperated by the exorbitant reparation payments forced upon them by the Allies, the Italians felt betrayed by the peace settlements for denying them the territory and status they deserved. Another problem that the two countries faced was their dissatisfaction with their existing governments. Many Germans were disgruntled with the Weimar Republic for signing the humiliating Treat of Versailles, while many Italians were apprehensive of the chaos within their parliamentary regime. Lastly, widespread fear of revolutionary upheaval and the expropriations of a Communism system also caused many Germans and Italians to identify with fascism. Both German fascism, led by Adolf Hitler and Italian fascism, led by Benito Mussolini exploited many economical and political difficulties within their nation in order to gain power. Hitler blamed Germany’s ruined economy on the Weimar Republic, Communists, and Jews, while Mussolini blamed large Socialist and Catholic parties for Italy’s economic struggles. They also gained the support of farmers, small businessmen, civil servants, and young people by advocating strict nationalistic goals and blaming their economic troubles on the Bolsheviks. Nevertheless, the most crucial components of securing political power was though institutionalized violence and the abolishment of all other political parties. The fascist party under Hitler gained power by abolishing the press, public meeting, trade unions, and eventually, all other political parties. They also secured their total dominance by orchestrating violence to eliminate political enemies with the  Sturmabteilung and lat er, the Schutzstaffel. Similarly, Mussolini used the Squadristi to attack his political enemies, the Catholics and the socialists, in order to secure fascist supremacy and make Italy a one-party dictatorship. Both the German and the Italian fascist regimes dominated business. In Italy, Mussolini lent money to many Italian businesses and acquired power in key industries such as steel, shipping, machinery, and electricity. Meanwhile, in Germany, Hitler’s fascist government controlled industry, agriculture, and education. Newspaper and radio broadcasts were operated under strict censorship. In addition, both the German fascist regime and the Italian fascist regime strictly advocated nationalism, militarism, and institutionalized violence. One of the most important characteristics of the fascist regimes of Germany and Italy was nationalism. Nationalism spawned the idea of racial superiority, especially to Germany, and brought about territorial expansion and rearmament. The idea of territorial expansion stimulated militarism in both Germany and Italy. In Germany, Hitler’s three goals, Lebensraum, rearmament, and economic recovery became the basis of his new foreign policy. Lebensraum, or living space, was Hitler’s idea that superior nations had the right to conquer and expand into the territories of inferior states. Lebensraum brought about rearmament, and in 1935, Hitler publicly announced that Germany was rearming. The third phase of Hitler’s foreign policy was economic recovery, which was directly linked to Lebensraum and rearmament, because not only did assembling weapons improve Germany’s economy, but also the Balkan countries that Hitler annexed produced consumer goods for them. Similarly, in Italy, Mussolini was also rearming and targeting many weaker countries for his expansionist aims. In October 1936, the two fascist nations formed the Rome-Berlin Axis. Then, in May 1939, Germany and Italy agreed to offer each other military support both offensively and defensively by signing the Pact of Steel. Another act introduced by Hitler was the creation of Nazi controlled-organizations such as Hitler Youth, which taught German boys and girls between 10 and 18 to uphold his fascist values. However, the most unforgettable acts were his Nuremberg Laws, which deprived Jews of their  citizenship and forbade them from marriage. Then, on November 9, 1938, 20,000 to 30,00 Jews were sent to concentration camps and the night became known as Kristallnacht, or the â€Å"night of broken glass†.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What is meant by fiscal policy

What is meant by fiscal policy Economy is the sum total economic resources of a certain region which enable it to provide services and goods to its inhabitants. These resources may include: infrastructure, land, trade, labor, manufactured goods, capital, and medicine among others. Global Economy thus can be seen as the sum total of the world human and physical resources that enhance survival of its inhabitants.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is meant by fiscal policy? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this century every country in the continent has seen an economic recession which basically affects the livelihoods of the people for instance increased food prices. This is one the reasons why countries develop policies that may enable them improve their economy. Policies such as fiscal policy, sustainable food production, green cities and sustainable housing for city dwellers have been developed. Michl (54) defines Fiscal policy as, â€Å"t he use of government expenditure and revenue collection (taxation) to influence the economy.† According to Dwivedi instruments of fiscal policy include the following, â€Å"Surplus budgeting, Government expenditure, Taxation, and Public borrowing (602). These instruments may have different effects on the economy.† For instance, surplus budgeting means reducing the government expenditure slightly below the revenue thus creating surplus. On the other hand government expenditure is the allocation of revenue to various areas of the economy for example education and health. Taxation is the collection of money from the citizens directly or indirectly in which they don’t expect direct returns and public borrowing is borrowing in the form of loans either from the public or external sources. The above instruments are adjusted in order to create a desired effect on the economy; as an illustration if the government increases expenditure in infrastructure development it expe cts that in the long run it will attract investors which in return create jobs and revenue in form of taxation. Depending on the economic state of a nation, the policy makers adjust each of the fiscal policy instruments so as to focus on the desired outcome. How fiscal policy can be used to aggregate demand An expansionary fiscal policy tends to increase the amount of liquid income that citizens have hence improving the purchasing power which implies more money will be disposed to the economy. According to Reuters (4), â€Å"The aggregate demand will increase and thus reduce the deflation gap which may be caused by growth or unemployment.† The figure below shows a the effect of fiscal policy on aggregate demand;Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Aggregate demand is dictated by investors and consumers of such goods and services from the investments. This means that the fiscal policy adopted mainly tends to increase the desire for investors to invest and the available market to have the power to purchase. Fiscal policy has a short term positive effect but on the long term if it is not checked it may cause undesired effects. How effective is the fiscal policy? Is a question that needs to be carefully studied if economies will have to continue using this policy as a measure to react to economic recession. Thomas R. Michl (81) notes that, â€Å"fiscal policy were unlikely to succeed in combating unemployment because the jobs gained through the government spending would be cancelled out by jobs lost in the investment goods industries by crowding out.† Thus fiscal policy may not be the best tool to use when economic recession is caused by natural economic factors. It is rather better to let the factors that contribute to the economy to regulate themselves naturally. For example, consumption may be affected by inflation by making consume rs avoid unnecessary purchases and the desire to create more wealth thus having a positive effect on both investment and consumption which are the key instruments on aggregate demand. Furthermore, increasing taxation may not affect consumption because the goods in which taxation may be imposed may be a necessity whose consumption must remain the same. For example increasing the cost of transportation may not be affected by taxation as much because it is a necessity in wealth creation. Another undesired effect arises from the increase in government spending without increasing taxes; this might lead to a recession and undesired deflationary gap. Australian budget The following is the fiscal policy stance of the Australian government for the financial year 2010-2011. According to Australian Government Website, â€Å"The Australian government budget website describes the government’s fiscal stance to comprise of: achievable budget surpluses, on average, over the medium term, kee p taxation as a share of GDP below the level for 2007-08 (23.5 per cent of GDP), on average, and improve the Government’s net financial worth over the medium term.† According to Marc (55), â€Å"The government will further allow the tax receipts to recover naturally as the economy improves and hold growth in spending to 2 percent a year until the budget returns to surplus.†Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is meant by fiscal policy? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government puts into consideration any physical calamities that may occur so as to mitigate its effects on the budget as fast as possible. The table below shows budget aggregates and their projections. According to a research done by the Melbourne Institute the Australian (8), â€Å"Inflation pressure is rising.† The report indicates that ‘inflation rates increased from 3.2 percent to 4.5 percent in the months of March and April respectively.’ As an assertion to the research report, Michael Chua, a research fellow at the Melbourne Institute said, This months report indicates inflation pressure is mounting after a relatively stable period. (8) This implies that the fiscal stance may have not been achieved as much in terms of inflation control. Australian inflationary measures The Australian high dollar rate has seen the mining industry gain whereas other areas of the economy like tourism and local imports have been affected negatively. Thus inflation has been experienced. The government though optimistic, has fears of the return of economic recession in America and the Europe. The current inflation pressures on the Australian government can be mitigated by disaster preparedness as one of the major effects of inflation. The Australian consumer is also expected to reduce expenditure so as to create a balance thus combat inflation. The Reserve Bank of Australia (9) said that, â€Å"It re mained concerned about the outlook for domestic inflation and said it was too soon to know if demand would soften enough to restrain price pressures over time.† It also expressed its fears on the ‘unsettled global financial markets.’ The Australian government put in place a fiscal policy for the financial year 2010-2011; was the policy the most appropriate? According to the Australian, â€Å"these fiscal rules mean we are on track to return the budget to surplus.† The country expected to go back on track and achieve a 2 percent surplus on its budget. So far the government can only brag about a 1 percent surplus. This means that despite the government not hitting on its minimum target, it has brought back a surplus budget after the global economic recession.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The gains made are attributed to the tough spending measures the government imposed in its fiscal policy. The government further intends to retain the strict measures, which it argues will help it deliver a surplus within three years of the deficit peaking as a share of the economy. It further argues that this will be a smaller duration as compared to the four years it used in the 1980’s. Overall, the economy has improved slightly which may be attributed to the strong Australian dollar which has improved revenue from the mining industry. Michl (66) argues that â€Å"High interest rates discouraged the consumers from borrowing consequently less expenditures.† In one way or the other the government has achieved its goals; however, there are no air tight policies. The negative effects are the failure to mitigate inflation which is a major dissatisfaction on the citizens. In conclusion, fiscal policy is the control of government expenditures against taxation. There are fou r major instruments for implementing fiscal policy that include the following according to Michl (5), â€Å"Surplus budgeting, Government expenditure, Taxation, and Public borrowing.† Each of these instruments can be controlled in a particular way so as to achieve the expected results. The government would reduce tax rate thus it will enhance compliance and collect more taxes, increase the lending rate thus reduce purchasing power, reduce government expenditure which may cause unemployment or reduce public borrowing hence reducing the national debt margin. The fiscal policy adapted by the Australian government seems to have worked mainly through the stringent rules imposed on the stimulus package. Australian Government Website. budget.gov.au, 2010. Web. Australian Government Website, Geoffrey. Business with The Wall Street Journal. theaustralian.com.au/business, 2011. Retrieved Dwivedi, D N. Macroeconomics: Theory and Practice. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2010. Print. Marc, Robinson. Medium Term Fiscal Policy Issues and Challenges in Australia, Melbourne: Queensland U of T, 2001. Print Michl, Thomas R. Macroeconomic Theory: a Short Course. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2002. Print. Reuters, CNBC First in Business World Wide. cnbc.com, 2011. Web.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Elagabalus - Roman Emperor

Elagabalus - Roman Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus aka Emperor Elagabulus Dates: Born - c. 203/204; Reigned - May 15,218 - March 11, 222. Name: Birth - Varius Avitus Bassianus; Imperial - Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Family: Parents - Sextus Varius Marcellus and Julia Soaemias Bassiana; Cousin and successor - Alexander Severus Ancient Sources on Elagabalus: Cassius Dio, Herodian, and Historia Augusta. Elagabalus Ranked Among the Very Worst Emperors At the same time, he will learn of the Romans discernment, in that these last [Augustus, Trajan, Vespasian, Hadrian, Pius, Titus and Marcus] ruled long and died by natural deaths, whereas the former [Caligula, Nero, Vitellius and Elagabalus] were murdered, dragged through the streets, officially called tyrants, and no man wishes to mention even their names.Aelius Lampridius The Life of Antoninus Heliogabalus The life of Elagabalus Antoninus, also called Varius, I should never have put in writing - hoping that it might not be known that he was emperor of the Romans -, were it not that before him this same imperial office had had a Caligula, a Nero, and a Vitellius. Elagabalus' Predecessor Caracalla's Mixed Evaluation An emperor with mixed reviews, Elagabalus cousin Caracalla (April 4, 188 - April 8, 217) ruled for only 5 years. During this time he caused the murder of his co-ruler, his brother Geta, and his supporters, raised the pay for soldiers, waged campaigns in the East where Macrinius was to have him assassinated, and implemented the (Constitutio Antoniniana Antonine Constitution). The Antonine Constitution was named for Caracalla, whose imperial name was Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus. It extended Roman citizenship throughout the Roman Empire. Macrinus Easily Rises to the Imperial Purple Caracalla had appointed Macrinius to the influential position of praetorian prefect. Because of this lofty position, three days after Caracallas murder, Macrinius, a man without senatorial rank, was powerful enough to compel the troops to proclaim him emperor. Less competent as military leader and emperor than his predecessor, Macrinius suffered losses in the East and wound up making settlements with the Parthians, Armenians, and the Dacians. Defeats and Macrinius introduction of a two-tiered pay for soldiers made him unpopular with the soldiers. Enduring Ambitions of Caracalla's Mother Caracallas mother had been Julia Domna of Emesa, Syria, second wife of the emperor Septimius Severus. She had conceived the idea of propelling her great-nephew to the throne, but ill health prevented her involvement. The grandson of her sister Julia Maesa (who shared the family ambitious streak) was Varius Avitus Bassianus who would soon be known as Elagabalus. Sensationalist Biographers of Elagabalus Sir Ronald Syme calls one of the biographies of the time, Aelius Lampridius The Life of Antoninus Heliogabalus, a farago of cheap pornography.* One of the contentions made by Lampridius is that Julia Symiamira (Soaemias), Julia Maesas daughter, had made no secret of her liaison with Caracalla. In the year 218, Varius Avitus Bassianus was performing the hereditary family function of high priest of the sun god whose worship was popular with the troops. A family resemblance to Caracalla probably led them to believe Varius Avitus Bassianus (Elagabalus) the illegitimate son of the more popular emperor Caracalla. The artful Maesa saw and cherished their rising partiality, and readily sacrificing her daughters reputation to the fortune of her grandson, she insinuated that Bassianus was the natural son of their murdered sovereign. The sums distributed by her emissaries with a lavish hand silenced every objection, and the profusion sufficiently proved the affinity, or at least the resemblance, of Bassianus with the great original.Edward Gibbon Follies of Elagabalus Elagabalus Becomes Emperor at 14 One of the legions near their family hometown proclaimed Elagabalus emperor, naming him Marcus Aurelius Antoninus on May 15, 218. Other legions joined the cause. Meanwhile, still other troops rallied to defend Macrinius. On June 8 (see DIR Macrinus) Elagabalus faction won in battle. The new emperor was only 14-years-old. Elagabalus Discussion in the Forum *I dont remember the source of that Syme quote. It is referred to on The Toynbee Convector. Origin of the Name Elagabalus As emperor, Varius Avitus became known by the Latinized version of the name of his Syrian god El-Gabal. Elagabalus also established El-Gabal as the principal god of the Roman Empire. Elagabalus Alienated the the Roman Senators He further alienated Rome by taking honors and powers upon himself before they had been awarded him including substituting his name for that of Macrinius as consul. In both the message to the senate and the letter to the people he styled himself emperor and Caesar, the son of Antoninus, the grandson of Severus, Pius, Felix, Augustus, proconsul, and holder of the tribunician power, assuming these titles before they had been voted, and he used, not the name of Avitus, but that of his pretended father, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the notebooks of the soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for Macrinus . . . . . . . Caesar . . . . . . . . . to the Pretorians and to the Alban legionaries who were in Italy he wrote . . . . . and that he was consul and high priest (?) . . . and the . . . . . . Marius Censorinus . . leadership . . read . . . of Macrinus . . . . . . . himself, as if not sufficiently by his own voice able to make public . . . . the letters of Sardanapalus to be read . . . by (?) Claudius Pollio, whom he had enrolled among the ex-consuls, and commanded that it anyone resisted him, he should call on the soldiers for assist ance; Dio Cassius LXXX Sexual Charges Herodian, Dio Cassius, Aelius Lampridius and Gibbon have written about Elagabalus femininity, bisexuality, transvestism, and forcing a vestal virgin to break vows that were so solemn any virgin found to have violated them was buried alive. He appears to have worked as a prostitute and may have sought the original transgendering operation. If so, he didnt succeed. When he tried to become a gallus, he was convinced to undergo circumcision, instead. To us the difference is immense, but to Roman men, both were humiliating. Evaluating Elagabalus Although Elagabalus killed many of his political enemies, especially supporters of Macrinius, he wasnt a sadist who tortured and put an inordinate number of people to death. He was: an attractive, hormonally-charged teen with absolute power,the high priest of an exotic god anda Roman emperor from Syria who imposed his eastern customs on Rome. Rome Needed a Universal Religion J.B. Bury believes that with the universal citizenship grant of Caracalla, a universal religion was necessary. With all his unashamed enthusiasm, Elagabalus was not the man to establish a religion; he had not the qualities of a Constantine or yet of a Julian; and his enterprise would perhaps have met with little success even if his authority had not been annulled by his idiosyncrasies. The Invincible Sun, if he was to be worshipped as a sun of righteousness, was not happily recommended by the acts of his Invincible Priest.J.B. Bury Assassination of Elagabalus Ultimately, like most of the emperors of the period, Elagabalus and his mother were killed by his soldiers, after less than four years in power. DIR says his body was dumped in the Tiber and his memory was erased (Damnatio memoriae). He was 17. His first cousin Alexander Severus, also from Emesa, Syria, succeeded him.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case Analysis-Milton Manufacturing Company Study

Analysis-Milton Manufacturing Company - Case Study Example Issues at Milton Manufacturing Company Companies that face issues must identify them in order to evaluate its effects and to find solutions to resolve the problems. The managers of the company are directly responsible for the performance of the employees and the company as a whole. Resolving problems can help improve the productivity, efficiency, and profitability of a company. Milton Manufacturing Company faces three types of problems. The three types of problems present at the firm are accounting, operational, and ethical issues. The accounting department is responsible for recording, tracking, and monitoring the economic activity of a firm (McGuckin). It is of the utmost importance for accountants to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and to maintain a high level of ethical conduct by the professionals that practice accounting. The first financial problem that the company faces is that its revenues decreased by 10% in comparison with the previous year. Lower sales results hurt the bottom line of the company by lowering its profitability. Another issue with lower sales is that it can deplete the cash reserves of a firm. A second accounting issue was that the capital expenditures of the company were increasing at a rate of 26%. A third accounting issue Milton Manufacturing Company faced was a reduction in its cash flow position. ... Lower sales results hurt the bottom line of the company by lowering its profitability. Another issue with lower sales is that it can deplete the cash reserves of a firm. A second accounting issue was that the capital expenditures of the company were increasing at a rate of 26%. A third accounting issue Milton Manufacturing Company faced was a reduction in its cash flow position. Cash is the most important assets a company holds because it is used to pay for the short and long term obligations of the company which include payments of payroll, utilities, and debt. The cash flow from operating activities of the company decreased from $1,925,000 to $1,722,000. The firm’s cash outflow from investing activities increased from $1,834,000 to $2,244,000. The only positive activity in the statement of cash flows is that cash from investing activities received an inflow of $168,000 instead of the outflow the firm had the previous year of $376,000. The cash position of the company was ext remely important due to the fact that the company was in the process of obtaining a $20 million loan from Second Bankers Hour & Trust Co. Ann Plokin determined that if the company keeps spending at its current pace it would not be able to pay for the $20 million loan. In order to remedy the situation she implemented a control measure to limit the capital expenditures of the different plants to the 2009 level of expenditures. Milton Manufacturing Company also faced production problems. One of its plant managers, Sammie Markowitz, identified a major operational deficiency in the machinery and equipment of the firm. He notified the problem to the VP of operations. The problem he identified was